The documents available on every page (to the right on a desktop/laptop, below on a tablet/phone) are available as PDF files for viewing and downloading. Just click and then read or download. They may be distributed freely so long as they are not changed.
The documents represent the views of a number of Overeaters Anonymous (OA) members who use the Big Book as a set of directions for working the Twelve Steps.
The Step 4 forms and the Step 11 form were originally produced by Blaine D. of Winnipeg, Canada, who graciously consented to their use; they have been slightly modified with his permission.
Thanks to Howard W. of Minneapolis, who has made the Step 4 and Step 8 forms computer interactive using any PDF reader. You can fill them out on your computer and then print them. Be careful not to overwrite the original once it’s on your computer.
Comments? Questions? You can send an e-mail here.
Additional Downloads
BOOK DOWNLOADS: This website has three other pages for downloads of books. Using the Menu (on top for desktops/laptops, clicking on the menu items for tablets/phones), you can click on BB Approach, BB Workbook, and Traditions Essays, and download these books.
NEW VERSION OF Step Four FORMS: Our friend, Howard W. of Minneapolis, has been working on new versions. These versions will ONLY work on Adobe Reader.They are easier to fill out than the forms above, but require studying the directions very carefully. Because they are in a beta stage, please provide feedback to Click on each form on the right to open it.
EXAMPLES: You can also download examples of filled-out Step 4 and 8 & 9 forms, which can give you a sense of how these forms can be filled out.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents and forms are not OA-Approved Literature. They reflect the personal experience, strength, and hope, of OA members who use the directions found in the Big Book to work the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. We do not believe that they constitute literature because they are simply applications of the Big Book, which is OA-Approved Literature, to the addiction of compulsive eating.